03.December 2024
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Research Station
Peat Circle
Pulau Tebing Tinggi Research Station
Site visit researchers from Hokkaido Univ, UNDP, International Peat Society (IPS), Japan Peatland Society (JPS), BRG (Peatland Restoration Agency)
TOT to government official (KLHK), Indonesian Provincial Govt. about peatland restoration
Site visit researchers from Hokkaido Univ, UNDP, International Peat Society (IPS), Japan Peatland Society (JPS), BRG (Peatland Restoration Agency)
Canal Block Construction with local community
Cultivation of kelulut honey bee in peatland
Cultivation of kelulut honey bee in peatland
Traditional processing of sago at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Sago plantations at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
TOT to government official (KLHK), Indonesian Provincial Govt.
TOT to government official (KLHK), Indonesian Provincial Govt.
Canal Block Construction with local community
BRG Advisory board visited water management facilities at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
BRG Advisory board visited water management facilities at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
BRG Advisory board visited water management facilities at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Water management at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Water management planning and design with local community
Water management planning and design with local community
Water management planning and design with local community
Water management planning and design with local community
GWL monitoring at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
TOT to government official (KLHK), Indonesian Provincial Govt.
GWL monitoring at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Water management at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Pristine swamp forest at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Nepenthes at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
GWL monitoring at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Site visit researchers from Hokkaido Univ, UNDP, International Peat Society (IPS), Japan Peatland Society (JPS), BRG (Peatland Restoration Agency)
Site visit researchers from Hokkaido Univ, UNDP, International Peat Society (IPS), Japan Peatland Society (JPS), BRG (Peatland Restoration Agency)
Water management at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
GWL monitoring at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Local community use canal for sago transportation
PhD student from IPB University conducted research at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
Coconut plantation at Pulau Tebing Tinggi RS
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